Healthcare News
High rate of return to dance seen in dancers who underwent hip arthroscopy for FAI
According to recently published results, 97% of dancers were able to return to dance at an average of 6.9 months after hip arthroscopy. Compared with their preoperative status, most dancers danced at a higher level following surgery.
Stand Up Straight to Strengthen Abs
While there will always be a place for sit-ups for ab definition, many trainers now suggest standing exercises that not only train abs but back muscles, too.
What you need to know about irritable hip
Irritable hip results from hip joint inflammation. It is a common cause of hip pain and limping in children aged 10 years or younger.
Rotator cuff repair with biceps tenodesis did not impact speed of recovery after surgery
Outcomes and the speed of recovery were similar between patients who underwent rotator cuff repair with bicep tenodesis and patients who underwent only rotator cuff repair, according to a presentation at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting.
What to know about MCL tears
A tear to the medial collateral ligament in the knee can cause pain, swelling, and a lack of stability in the knee. Treatment is usually with ice, a knee brace, and physical therapy. Surgery may be necessary in rare cases.
Virtual reality could improve your balance, study finds
Virtual Reality technology could become an efficient tool for older people with balance problems or for rehabilitation following injuries or illness that affect balance and movement. In a new study, researchers have studied how the human balance system is affected by watching Virtual Reality videos.
Get in shape for tennis and other racquet sports
By practicing a pregame plan for these strenuous workouts, you'll be less likely to experience injuries that could leave you sidelined.
Play It Safe With Winter Sports
Skiing, snowboarding, skating and sledding are great ways to have winter fun, but be sure to take steps to reduce your risk of injuries, experts say.
Strengthen your deltoids to help prevent shoulder injuries
When it comes to training, the anterior, or front, deltoid muscle gets almost all the attention, while the medial and posterior deltoids get the cold shoulder.
Why static stretching may not be as effective as you think
For a decade, the research has been clear: static, hold-the-pose stretches prior to athletic activity diminish performance and might even open athletes up to injury.